How To Use a Suction Cup Dildo – Positions & Ideas To Mount Your Toy

Last Updated on March 26, 2025 by Kelly

You got a suction cup dildo. Great! This type of dildo is versatile, unlocking many positions and ways to have fun.

This dildo is cheap, adaptable, and comes in many shapes and sizes. You can stick it to the wall, the floor, or any hard, flat surface.

But if you buy a suction cup dildo, you may not know where to begin. What positions work best for you?

What will make you orgasm so hard your face will be stuck in an ‘O’ for a good while? Some people will just try whatever surface they have.

Others may be more hesitant, as they don’t want to get hurt.

I’ve made this comprehensive list of the best ways you can use a suction cup dildo. I’ll tell you the benefits, the best positions, and more.

Please note that this article is heavily based on my personal experience. Depending on many factors, your experience may differ compared to mine.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Suction Cup Dildo?

Suction cup dildos come with so many benefits. Let’s look at some of them now.

Pleasure from Almost Any Surface

The most obvious benefit of these dildos is that you can put them on any surface, and they will stick well. 

If the surface is flat and has no texture, you can easily ride it without it falling off. Put it on your shower wall, on the kitchen floor, on your chair, and the list goes on.

Each surface you put it on gives you a different experience. This reason is because all surfaces offer different angles. 

Some work great for vaginal penetration. Others work well for anal. Some of them will depend on what type of toy you have or the shape of your own body.

But not every surface is a winner. You’re limited by the suction cup, after all. It’s not like you’re sticking a bunch of superglue on it. 

You won’t have a good time if the surface is dirty, rigid, or uneven. The dildo may fall off, leading to disappointment or potential injury.

Strap-On Fun

Another benefit is that many harnesses let you stick a suction cup dildo on them. So, if you want to have fun with your partner, some strap-on fun never hurt anyone! 

You can be the giver or receiver. Or, be a switch! No matter what you are, you will have plenty of fun when you use a suction cup dildo. 

This article will not discuss strap-on play too much, but you should know that the option is there.

Also Read: 7 Best Suction Cup Dildos

They Work Well on Their Own

Your suction cup dildo doesn’t have to be attached to anything. It works well on its own, too. 

Masturbate with one in the bathtub, in the bed, or wherever you wish. The possibilities are endless. I love my suction cup dildo for all the surfaces. 

However, sometimes I want to go a little free-form, you know?

Should You Stick the Dildo Horizontally or Vertically?

When it comes to where you should stick your dildo, the answer is both. I enjoy mounting my dildo horizontally on the wall and riding on it doggy style. 

On the other hand, sticking it to the floor or chair and riding it can also feel amazing. The great benefit of these toys is that the possibilities are truly endless. 

Again, experimentation is key.

Best Ways to Use a Suction Cup Dildo

If you want to use your suction cup dildo, here are some fantastic ideas.

Stick It On the Shower Wall or Floor

I think humans are instinctively built for fun in the shower. Shower fun is excellent for either vaginal or anal play, as there are a whole bunch of possibilities. 

When you’re sitting down to take a bath, the dildo can reach both holes. The same principle applies to the wall.

With that said, I get that your mileage may vary depending on what type of setup you have. If you have a large tub, you will have a different experience than if you only have a small shower stall. 

If the shower isn’t oversized, you may have trouble getting yourself situated if you have a dildo on the shower wall. 

If you’re going to try the wall, use a curved or flexible dildo. These dildos can help you reach your most private areas with ease.

Another thing to keep in mind when you use this dildo is lube. A hybrid lube works best for the shower. 

If the shower is all wet, water lube is useless. Pure silicone lube can damage silicone toys. Hybrid lubes are the best of both worlds in this situation.

Finally, I should mention to go slow. Going hard is great, but you’re in a wet area. You don’t want to slip and get hurt. 

Stop and go somewhere else if you start to slip and slide when you’re going hard.

See Also: 5 Best Shower Dildos That Stick

Stick on The Floor

Depending on your house, you may have some hardwood floors that you may want to experiment with. 

Of course, it depends on the floor. If you have a textured, bumpy, or uneven floor, these sex toys are a no-go. It also depends on what you have to grab onto. 

You may have issues if any objects are a long distance from you.

You may need to stack some objects to get the most out of a floor dildo. Elevation can keep your legs still without them getting tingly. 

You can also sit flat, but the angles are less exciting in my experience. Still, it’s a floor. It’s right below you, and the floor experience can differ depending on what’s nearby.

 Plus, if you stumble and fall, you’re not falling far. Stick it to the floor and see what happens.

Stick it On a Chair

A chair makes sense. After all, it’s designed to be sat on, making it great for anal. Vaginally, I had some issues getting momentum. 

The chair would move around, ruining the entire experience. It didn’t matter what I tried; it just wouldn’t work. 

Also, I always worried that the chair would tip over, causing injury. It didn’t, but that thought wasn’t exactly a thrill in my eyes. Maybe for others, it can be thrilling, but not for me.

However, depending on your chair or body type, this method can get better results. I definitely think this method is still worth trying, but I know the issues that come with it.

Stick It In The Bathtub

This method is similar to the shower but is meant for pure tubs. Bathtubs with a large bottom can be great if you’re into clenching. 

Another way your mileage can vary is if you prefer that bathtub to be filled with something. You’ll need lots of hybrid lube if you like water. 

Otherwise, keep the tub drained. Of course, this method can be excellent or annoying, depending on your bathtub’s width. 

You may feel too cramped to have fun if you have a narrow bathtub.

Stick it on the Toilet Seat

The toilet seat is also a very famous way to ride a dildo. After all, you’re in a private area where you can get a little friskier. 

Plus, being a toilet, there is a sort of taboo thing going on there. When people think of toilets, they may think nasty.

However, that nastiness also adds a bit of a thrill, doesn’t it? Of course, you should make sure the toilet seat is clean. I wouldn’t recommend this at a gas station bathroom or anything.

Toilet seats are great for anal. I didn’t enjoy the vaginal experience, but anal is out of this world. 

Get yourself a short little suction cup dildo designed for anal unless you have experience. And again, clean that toilet seat!

Stick it On a Table or Desk

You may like to get it on with your table, desk, or similar furniture item. This depends on what type of desk or table you have, what’s on it, and the table’s weight limit. 

But this can be pretty fun if you have a sturdy, stable table!

You can ride it while someone else gives you head. The possibilities are pretty immense. 

Well, for some people, anyway. If you’re taller, you may have an issue getting the dildo to work well. For instance, tall people may not know where to wrap their legs. 

Again, it all depends on your desk type!

Stick it on the Headboard of Your Bed

Your bed’s headboard may work. Well, it depends on what is going on. Depending on your headboard’s size and type of mattress, you may have trouble getting it right. 

Myself, I had trouble getting it inside of me due to my feet never knowing where to go. I don’t recommend this method, but someone else may have a bed designed for this. 

After all, everyone’s sleeping quarters are different. Some people may not even have a headboard, meaning they must look elsewhere for some bedtime fun.

Also Read: What Are The Top Anal Dildos on the Market?

Stick it On a Door

A door can be an excellent place for a suction cup dildo, but it also has its considerations. For example, you may want to refrain if you like to go wild and the door is weak. 

It also depends on where your pelvis aligns with where you can stick the dildo on the door. 

Doors also have inscriptions and other things that can make the surface uneven. Also, make sure that the door is locked shut. 

You don’t want someone opening it whenever you’re going wild. That can get a little awkward.

Stick it on a Washing Machine

Okay, this is not the most discreet method on this list. However, If you’re all home alone and have laundry to do, why not? 

The shaking of the washing machine can be quite lovely. Of course, this is another case of your mileage varying depending on what type of washer you have. 

If your washer is loud and clanky, it may be annoying.

Also, this same paragraph applies to your dryer. The dryer can be much shakier, especially with a large load. That’s what she said.

Use a Dildo Mount

A dildo mount can work great if you have no suitable surface to stick your suction cup. These mounts also work great if you are on the go. 

Dildo mounts come in many shapes and sizes and are available in most sex stores. I love those mounts where you can put them in all directions!

Dildo mounts can also work well for surfaces that have potential but require awkward leaning—for example, the floor. 

Different areas may give better results depending on their shape, your body type, and many other factors. 

That’s why I highly recommend experimenting on your own.

Read More:

Best Dildo Mounts For Maximum Pleasure

How to Use a Regular Dildo the Right Way

How to Make a Suction Cup Dildo Stick

Nothing’s worse than putting a dildo on the floor and wall, and when you’re ready to ride, it just… falls off.

To avoid this painful experience, ensure your suction cup and the floor are clean and dry. If this doesn’t work, try putting a bit of petroleum jelly on the outer rim—just a little bit.

You can make the suction cup less sticky if you have too much jelly. This method will create a vacuum seal.

Another way is through boiling. Yes, put that suction cup in a boiler like you’re making some pasta. Boiling an older suction cup can give it some extra oomph, helping it to stick better.

If you still have issues, your suction cup may be too frayed. In this case, you may need to get a new one.

Where to NOT Stick It?

I’ve been talking all day about where to stick that cup. But what surfaces should you avoid? Several places are a no-go. 

For example, you shouldn’t stick it on uneven or textured surfaces. Rough plaster also doesn’t work well. Also, please don’t stick a suction cup to a dirty surface. 

Not only is it unsanitary, but it won’t stick.

If you’re unsure, try sticking your dildo on the surface and giving it a bit of roughhousing with your hands. If it sticks, great. If not, then you may not want to ride it there.

Also, be careful when putting a dildo on a glass surface, such as a mirror. Most surfaces like these are not designed for getting a little rough and wild. 

They may shatter, leading to you possibly getting injured.

What Lube Should I Use With A Suction Cup Dildo?

There are several lubes that work well with a suction cup dildo. Water-based lubes always work well due to it being versatile. 

A hybrid-based lube also works well if you’re in the shower or bath. If the dildo is made from silicone, avoid silicone-based lubes. 

This type of lube will damage your dildo. Of course, that is if your dildo is made from silicone. If your dildo is made from glass, you may try silicone. 

It can be good if you don’t want to reapply the lube too much.

How to Use a Suction Cup Dildo With a Partner

So, you have a partner, and you’re ready to go. How can you go about pleasuring them?

Well, the possibilities are truly endless. Some people may opt to use a suction cup dildo on a harness that supports suction cups. 

This combination can lead to endless fun. Another way you can utilize a suction cup dildo is with your hands. Put a dildo inside of your partner, and they will love it every step of the way.

Experimenting with your partner is the way to go. Therefore, communication is critical. 

Consent from both sides of the aisle can lead to endless fun. Have safe words ready, and if your partner says stop, you stop immediately.

You can also use the surfaces to your advantage. For instance, your partner may sit on a chair dildo anally while you eat them out. 

When there are two people, there are so many possibilities. I know my partner, and I tried many positions when I was tired of playing solo. 

Just know your preferences and how to communicate with your partner; everything should be good to go.

With that, the article ends. There are many other ways to ride a suction cup dildo, as it’s completely versatile. 

But these are the main surfaces. If you want to experiment further. 

But know that you are an adult, and I’m not responsible if you decide to ride a dildo on top of a mountain and you orgasm off a cliff. 

I’m just kidding, but I know some people are thrill seekers. Till next time!

Also Read:

How To Make a Homemade Suction Cup Dildo

How To Make a Homemade DIY Dildo

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